
The biggest shopping event of the year is just around the corner, and retailers everywhere are eager to get creative to increase their traffic and sales. The last Friday of November is now Black Friday and has become renowned for heightened consumerism and chaos, with endless clips online of shoppers fighting each other for the last discounted TV.

In recent years, Black Friday sales have been extended for days, even weeks, as the fierce competition between retailers has led to earlier discounts. But with the oversaturation of deals among vendors, how can you make sure that your business cuts through the noise to offer the best Black Friday deals?

Inject a sense of urgency

Black Friday sales

To ensure a constant flow of customers, incentivization and urgency go hand-in-hand. Offering a gift with purchase is the perfect way to get a potential customer across the finish line. The best things in life are free, and an incentive will heavily impact their decision-making.

A deal per hour will further influence purchasing decisions, as creating a sense of urgency can be a very impactful marketing tool. Different deals every hour will not only encourage spending, but also ensure that your customers keep coming back to see what’s next.

Attract shoppers with an in-store event


Hosting in-store events is a seamless way to generate buzz and attract footfall during the Black Friday period. Get the word out through email to ensure your subscribers are informed or promote the events through a social media campaign to reach wider audiences. Take advantage of Black Friday focused hashtags and targeted paid ads, so that everyone in the area will know there is something happening.

In terms of events ideas, be sure to stand-out from the crowd. On a day which often highlights the worst facets of a consumerist society, why not raffle some products for charity to increase store traffic and do your bit for a cause that your audience will want to support? Engaging the public with live marketing events is also a highly successful way to bring in customers.

Looking for the perfect example? Find out how Meadowhall Shopping Centre attracted hundreds of visitors with the with the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to become Guinness World Records title holders across an interactive weekend extravaganza to celebrate its 25th anniversary.

Looking for a high-energy, hands-on live engagement marketing event for Black Friday 2019? Find out more here.

Reward loyal customers


Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to bring in Black Friday sales and a simple way to reach out to repeat customers. DMA reported last year that for every £1 spent on email marketing, you can expect an average return of £32. In the lead up to Black Friday, create an email campaign for your devoted customers offering special deals. Let them know that you appreciate their loyalty, whether it be a VIP discount or a special gift with purchase. An email can go a long way, just make sure you comply with GDPR regulations if you’re in the EU!

Guinness World Records experiential events are specifically designed to attract and entertain a passing audience, perfect for family-friendly engagement. Contact an account manager today to discuss further!