Largest origami snail
Pei Haozheng
4.10 m (L) x 1.47 m (W) x 1.30 m (H) dimension(s)
China (Nanjing)

The largest origami snail is 4.10 m (13 ft 5.4 in) x 1.47 m (4 ft 9.8 in) x 1.30 m (4 ft 3.1 in), and was achieved by Pei Haozheng (China) in Nanjing, Jiangsu, China, as verified on 11 March 2023.

The origami snail was made from a large piece of paper measured 9.21 m (30 ft 2.5 in) x 9.21 m (30 ft 2.5 in). According to Pei, the origami snail was designed by himself in 2009, and the spiral shell of the snail was made in the form of a Fibonacci spiral which stems from the mathematical principle of the golden ratio.

The largest origami snail was folded by a team of 8 and it took them 3 days to finish.