Longest distance rowed in the Indian Ocean by a team
Leven Brown, Jamie Douglas-Hamilton, Heather Rees-Gaunt, Tim Spiteri, Shane Ushar, Fiann Paul, Cameron Bellamy
6,772 kilometre(s)
Seychelles (Mahe)
The longest distance rowed in the Indian Ocean by a team is 3,656 nautical miles (4,208 miles; 6,772 km) by Leven Brown, Jamie Douglas-Hamilton, Heather Rees-Gaunt (all UK); Tim Spiteri, Shane Ushar (both Australia); and Fiann Paul (Iceland) and Cameron Bellamy (South Africa), who rowed from Geraldton, Western Australia, to Mahe, Seychelles, between 11 June and 7 August 2014 on board Avalon.