Youngest artist (male)

Youngest artist (male)
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Ace-Liam Nana Sam Ankrah
1:152 year(s):day(s)
Ghana (Greater-Accra Region )
15 December 2023

The youngest artist (male) is Ace-Liam Nana Sam Ankrah (Ghana, b. 16 July 2022), who was 1 year and 152 days old, as verified in Accra, Ghana, on 15 December 2023.

Ace-Liam's paintings use a technique which is done by manoeuvring acrylic paint across a canvas using the hands and body to create unique and abstract artworks.

Since his first artwork entitled "The Crawl", he has completed another 20 paintings (and counting) and has also participated in his first group exhibition "The Soundout Premium Exhibition" at the Museum of Science and Technology in Ghana, where a total of 10 of his artworks created between the ages of 6 months to 1 year and 4 months were displayed and put up for sale. Out of those 10 artworks, 9 were sold during the exhibition.