Most rotating puzzle cubes solved while on a pogo stick
Saul Hafting
211 total number
Canada (Annapolis Royal)

The most rotating puzzle cubes solved while on a pogo stick is 211 and was achieved by Saul Hafting (Canada), in Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, Canada, on 9 October 2021.

Saul has been interested in Guinness World Records since he was very young. He received the book for Christmas every year and thought it would be very cool to be in the book one day. Saul has been speed cubing since he was 11 years old and became very good at solving a number of puzzle cubes very quickly, so this seemed to be the best way of him achieving a GWR title.

Saul trained on the pogo stick twice per week, starting by just jumping in place for as long as he could, doing it without hands, then adding in the solving of cubes while jumping. Saul explains that pogoing for long durations is very hard on the shins because you have to grip the pogo stick with your legs while jumping and solve the cubes with your hands. Saul's longest training session was about 45 minutes, so on the day when he jumped and solved for over 1 hour, it was totally unexpected for everyone and he also completely exceeded all his expectations for the total number of cubes solved.

The biggest challenge for everyone involved in the attempt was keeping ahead of Saul with scrambling the cubes and delivering them to him while he jumped on the pogo stick. This record was a team effort and Saul thanks all of the judges and scramblers who came out to help.

After achieving the record, Saul's knees were very tired. He could not jump for much longer, but he recovered quickly after stopping. Saul looks forward to hopefully attempting another record in the future related to cubing while doing something else.

Achieving a Guinness World Records title has been his goal for a long time and it means that he is officially the best at something. Saul ends by saying "It shows that you can achieve your goals if you set your mind to it and have a team of supporters to help you get there."