Largest bead mosaic (image)
Cámara de Comercio, Servicios y Turísmo de Guadalajara
81.55 square metre(s)
Mexico (Guadalajara)

The largest bead mosaic (image) measures 81.55 m² (877 ft² 114 in²) and was achieved by Cámara de Comercio, Servicios y Turismo de Guadalajara (Mexico), at the XXV Encuentro Internacional del Mariachi y la Charrería, in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, on 20 August 2018.

In order to create the mosaic 15 artists worked for about 780 hours, using 30 kg (66.13 lb) of glue to hold in place the 450 kg (992.08 lb) of beads.