Darren standing among his ghostbusters collection

Darren McQuade from Essex, UK, has assembled the world’s largest collection of Ghostbusters memorabilia.

With an impressive 2,012 items, he’s broken the record held by Robert O’Connor (USA), whose collection totalled 1,221 items when counted in 2020.

For Darren, Ghostbusters is more than just a beloved film series; it's a significant part of his life.

His fascination with Ghostbusters began in his childhood and has continued to grow, culminating in a collection that spans decades.

“It's essentially like living in a Ghostbusters museum," Darren says.

assorted ghostbusters items

Large ghostbusters figures

His devotion to the franchise extends beyond mere collection; he has integrated it with his profession as a magician. At events, he impresses audiences with Ghostbusters-themed magic tricks, performing in full costume to bring an extra layer of authenticity to his act.

Among the thousands of items, several pieces hold a special place in Darren's heart. One such item is a Ghostbusters 2 Christmas cracker box, which is one of the rarest pieces of memorabilia in existence. Darren has never encountered another collector with this item, making it a unique treasure within his vast collection.

Another cherished item is an authentic Ghostbusters stunt kite. While it may appear unremarkable to the untrained eye, it carries significant sentimental value for Darren. As a child, his original kite blew away, but his persistent search over the years finally paid off when he acquired another just last year.

various ghostbusters items

The timing of Darren's record-breaking feat is particularly noteworthy, coming a few months after he appeared as an extra in the new Ghostbusters film.

This week we celebrate not only Darren's incredible achievement but also the 40th anniversary of the original Ghostbusters movie, released on 8 June 1984. The film has captivated audiences for decades, and Darren's record-breaking collection is a testament to its lasting impact.

Darren plans to continue expanding his collection and sharing his passion with others with his magic tricks.

He said: “I love mixing Ghostbusters with magic. Whenever I learn or invent a new trick, I always see if I can add a Ghostbusters theme to it. That doesn't always work, but I love it when it does!"

Darren standing among Ghostbusters collection

So, will Darren continue collecting in the future?

"I don't plan to ever stop," he says. "Hopefully, I will be celebrating the 50th anniversary with an even bigger collection!

“I seem to run out of space about once a year but always find room for more!”

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