Club DJ’s 10-day mixing marathon shatters world record

By Sanj Atwal
split image of DJ Faber

An Italian DJ’s unprecedentedly long set has been verified as the world’s longest marathon club DJ-ing.

DJ Faber Moreira, real name Fabrizio Morero, performed for 10 days and 4 hours (precisely 244 hours 2 minutes), exceeding the previous record by 44 hours.

The previous record was set 10 years ago in Dublin by Polish DJ Norberto Loco.

DJ Faber, 59, began his record-breaking set at a club in the town of Saluzzo on 15 May, continuing through to the early hours of the 26th.

His stage was set up with everything he needed, including a bed for the short breaks he was permitted.

As with all ‘longest marathon’ records, he accumulated five minutes of rest per hour of activity, totalling two hours per day. 

DJ Faber holding GWr certificate

DJ Faber said he greatly benefited by limiting himself to 15-minute naps, which were “essential to avoid entering the REM phase, where the brain falls asleep completely”.

He described himself as “full of adrenaline” for the first few days, which he found to be relatively easy. However, he began feeling the effects of sleep deprivation by the fifth day, and during the final two days he experienced “crazy sleep crises”.

“Sometimes I almost fell asleep on the mixer,” he recalled. “I was constantly warned by the witnesses who had a little bell which they used as soon as they saw my eyes close – I hated this noise.”

DJ Faber also splashed ice water on his face and wrists to help keep himself awake.

The moment DJ Faber surpassed the previous record

He didn’t consume coffee, cigarettes or any other stimulant, and he finds it “very unpleasant” that his profession is commonly associated with drug use. In fact, to silence any disbelievers, DJ Faber opted to take an anti-doping test to prove his sobriety.

He prepared for the record attempt for two years, following the guidance of a personal trainer, a nutritionist, a physiotherapist, and a yoga guru.

I broke this record to challenge myself and prove my physical endurance. But mostly out of passion – mixing is my life.

DJ Faber began his career in 1983 aged 17 and went on to play at the biggest clubs in northern Italy.

Using his vast vinyl collection, he started his record attempt by playing funk music from the ‘70s before moving on to ‘80s disco tunes, followed by a history of house music from 1987 to today.

“It was a great thrill to mix so much music,” he said.

DJ Faber raising arm to crowd

To successfully achieve the record, a dancing audience of at least 10 people must be present at all times. DJ Faber’s crowd was comprised of all ages: classes of schoolchildren came along to participate during the mornings, whilst the nights were dominated by partygoers. 

In addition to being constantly monitored by a rotating group of independent witnesses (half of whom were professional DJs), Guinness World Records Official Adjudicator Lorenzo Veltri reviewed the video footage and all other evidence before presenting DJ Faber with his certificate.

“Being number one in the world is a great satisfaction, especially at my age,” he said.

“I want to thank everyone. Without their support it would have been impossible to reach the finish line.”

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