My name is Chanel Tapper, and I am the Guinness World
Record Holder for Female with the longest tongue
I like little fun, silly, or what-have-you, things like that. That's what makes my
tongue I feel the most fun when I could do things that are outside the box with it
Honestly, the best reaction I could ever get
when somebody sees my tongue is screaming
I actually do like when people yell or
scream or in shock or horror sometimes
But that's probably my favorite one
because it's funny to me, to be honest
It's a dramatic response. I don't really like to bring up
my record because a lot of times it kind of gets some flack
And I don't really like the attention. I deal with
the attention when I have to and it's totally fine
But just to have it for no reason is not really my thing. My favorite thing about being
a record holder has to be when I get to travel and meet other record holders as well
It's fun and, of course, I get to see the
parts of the world I've never seen before
The official measurement for my tongue,
if I'm not mistaken, is around 3.9 inches