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10-year-old recalls Pi to 280 places in 60 seconds
The most decimal places of Pi recalled in one minute is 280, and was achieved by Alberto Davila Aragon (UK) in Bristol, UK, on 20 February 2025.
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10-year-old Alberta is about to name as many
digits of pie as possible in one minute. 3-2-1
5359408, 812, 8, 1,117, 410,0,012, 4107,0193, 4109, 4109, 4193, 4181, 8,1,000, 1-1-0-8-0-0-0-8-0-6-9-6-9-6-8-0-6-8-6-9-6-8,
6-9-8, 6-9-1, 4-8-6-9-8, 6-9-8, 6-9-8, 6-8,000, 4-8,000,000,000,000, 4-8-6-8-6-8-82
He's done it. He broke this record
with 280 digits recalled in 60 seconds