National Federation of the Blind

Largest umbrella mosaic

National Federation of the Blind image The NFB wanted to celebrate its 75th anniversary in an exciting, impactful way, while bringing awareness to its mission and involving all the attendees.

The Results

Media Reach
61,118,122 Impressions
Online Media Coverage, &
National Media Coverage
ABC, CBS & Yahoo News

The Brief

As the oldest and largest organization of blind Americans in the United States, the National Federation of the Blind (NFB) is known for raising the expectations of the blind and helping them “live the life they want”.

The organization brought together more than 2000 members for their annual convention, which was also the backdrop for its 75th anniversary celebration. The NFB wanted to celebrate this milestone in an exciting, impactful way, while bringing awareness to its mission and involving all the attendees.

The Solution

Creative consultancy: Guinness World Records™ worked with the National Federation of the Blind to identify a record that would reflect the impact the organization has made in its members’ lives and represent the organization’s mission. Taking inspiration from their tagline, Guinness World Record™ recommended the Largest umbrella mosaic as an ideal record for the organization.

The Record: At the event 2,480 members and supporters of NFB proudly raised their purple and white umbrellas to create the image of the National Federation of the Blind’s logo and the organization’s tagline, “Live the life you want”.

Pre and Post Attempt Engagement: The NFB maximized their publicity efforts surrounding the attempt by utilizing the Guinness World Records™ name and logo in promotional materials, including press releases and social media. The record attempt received incredible media attention and brought a national spotlight to the NFB’s cause.

“Today, our members and supporters have achieved the official Guinness World Records™ title for largest umbrella mosaic, demonstrating to the Orlando community and to the world that blindness does not define us and that our capacity to achieve great things is limited only by our imagination.”
— Mark A. Riccobono, President of the National Federation of the Blind