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Peruvian city dances into the record books

By Guinness World Records

The city of Moyobamba in Peru has earned its place in Guinness World Records history after organising the Largest Peruvian folk dance with 1,585 couples (3,170 people in total).

The chosen dance was the traditional Pandilla Moyobambina to celebrate the 43rd Tourism Week of Moyobamba, the oldest city founded by the Spanish in the Peruvian Amazon, Northern Peru.


Following the official guidelines for this record, the group had to dance for a minimum of five minutes and all follow the same choreography which the group had practiced for three weeks.

The participants were also required to wear traditional clothing. In this case the women wore floral dresses, pearl necklaces, and sandals while the men wore white shirts, dark trousers, and dress shoes.

Could your community achieve a mass participation record? Fill out this form to find out how you could celebrate a local event in record-breaking style.

Guinness World Records adjudicator Natalia Ramirez Talero verified these details at the event and presented the city mayor with a certificate as the dancers erupted with pride and excitement.

The group beat the previous record of 1,247 couples, which has achieved by the city of Arequipa, Peru in 2014.

After the official record attempt during the day, the dancers then performed the routine again for members of the public to watch in the evening:
