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This Aussie girl is the world's youngest magazine editor at the age of 8

By Rachel Swatman

Two months before her ninth birthday, Aussie youngster Roxanne Downs has been officially awarded the Youngest magazine editor title.

She had been the editor of 'It GiRL Magazine' for six months when her first edition hit shelves in Australia and New Zealand.

Roxanne’s role as editor involved attending launches, creating editorial concepts, market research, writing the monthly editor’s letter and reviewing the magazine before print.

Juggling her magazine role with school work, Roxy’s impressive achievement shows that there’s no age limit for record-breaking.

Asked why she got involved and why she loves being editor, Roxy said: "I wanted to be part of something that was big in my age group and among my friends. I’m a child myself and IT GiRL is a magazine written for children. I hang out with others my age all day and I know what they like, what’s good for them and what information they want to know."

"It’s really fun being editor and I love coming up with ideas, quizzes and getting to interview people. The free tickets and freebies are also great too!"

"Roxy has always performed well in school at reading a writing, so she was the perfect candidate for It GiRL when they were looking for an editor within the age group of their target audience – tween girls," said her father, Michael Downs.

"At the stage the aim wasn’t to break the record, but since we’ve realised that at eight years old, when her first issue hit shelves (in April 2017), she was most likely a record holder," he explained.

Roxy is featured in the Guinness World Records 2018 book, alongside hundreds of other record holders – young and old.

Check out our kids website to watch videos of young record breakers, read stories and play games.