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Video: Watch BuzzFeed staff take on fidget spinner world record

By Kristen Stephenson

BuzzFeed’s staff had a rather unusual day at work when they were surprised with an impromptu record attempt at their New York City headquarters. 
Earlier in the week, Sarah Burton, Hal Rhorer, and Mike Hinson were pulled into a room believing they would be participating in a video regarding fidget spinners. 
For those unfamiliar, fidget spinners are a popular children’s toy invented to help focus children who have a tendency of becoming distracted. 
However in the past year, they have become a mainstream gadget among kids everywhere. 
So when staff sat down prepared to discuss these trending toys, official Guinness World Records Adjudicator Kellie Ferrick stepped into the room and announced they would instead be attempting two fidget spinner record titles. 
Each person would have the opportunity to try the Longest duration to spin a fidget spinner on the nose record.
In order to take the title, they would need to keep the toy spinning for a minimum of one minute and thirty seconds. 
With a lot of laughs and valiant attempts, Sarah, Hal and Mike had blast trying to make their own piece of record-breaking history. 
To find out how they did, check out the video below. 


BuzzFeed's staff also attempted the Longest duration spinning a fidget spinner on one finger, but faced with a tricky minimum requirement of three minutes to beat, no one managed to attain the title.  

 A few weeks earlier, other BuzzFeed staff members tried their hand at a hysterical balloon popping record as well, where they attempted the title for Fastest time to burst 20 balloons. 

 Think you could achieve any of these titles? Click here to apply.