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Video: Watch maker of world’s largest Rubik’s cube attempt to solve it

By Rachel Swatman

Guinness World Records has just confirmed that lifelong puzzle fan Tony Fisher (UK) has created the world’s Largest Rubik’s cube, measuring a whopping 1.57 m tall, 1.57 m wide and 1.57 m long (5 ft 1.7 in x 5 ft 1.7 in x 5 ft 1.7 in).

It took Tony just two months to construct his fully functional Rubik's Cube at his home in Suffolk, where he demonstrated it works by attempting to solve it – not an easy feat when the puzzle weighs about 100 kg.
In his application for the title, Tony told Guinness World Records: “I am a Rubik’s Cube fan and enjoy making and solving twisty puzzles in general. I am also fascinated by world records and I have always wanted to break one or set one.”
He explained: “[The cube] was constructed from plastic sheet, plastic pipe, plastic foam, ABS plastic core … cardboard, vinyl sticker material, gaffer tape and cast polyurethane resin.” The Guinness World Records guidelines for this title state that the Rubik’s cube must be made from the same materials as a regular sized Rubik's cube.
The inside of the cube during construction process
The puzzle enthusiast has had visitors from as far afield as Japan come to see his record-breaking construction and he hopes to find a museum to display it in soon.