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Record Holder Profile Video: Kat Gunn - the highest earning female gamer

By Kevin Lynch

Having earned an incredible $122,000 (£77,095) since 2007 from video-gaming, Katherine “Mystik” Gunn (USA) has higher career earnings than any other female competitive videogame player.
She first started competing in Halo and obtained $100,000 playing Halo: Reach to win series 2 of American reality TV program WCG Ultimate Gamer.
Putting success down to tireless practice and a love of the game, she is pleased that her Guinness World Records title recognises that she has “done something when it comes to competitive gaming”.
Kat appears in Guinness World Records 2016 Gamer’s Edition which is out now. To find out more about the book and pre-order your copy, head to