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Video: Largest violin ensemble record set by children in Taiwan

By Guinness World records News

Last month saw a group of 4,645 young musicians in Taiwan break the world record for the most number of violins played simultaneously.

Oranised by the Changhua County Government, the attempt which took place at Changhua Stadium in Changua, beat a record that had previously stood since 1925.

The participants, who were all pupils from local schools aged between 7 and 15, played three pieces composed by local musician Arbin Yang.

The event was attended by Taiwanese American television show Janet Hsieh along with the mayor of Taichung City.

Speaking after the attempt, Guinness World Records representative Gaz Deaves said: "I've adjudicated well over 100 records since I joined Guinness World Records, and this was one of the most incredible I've ever attended.

"The sound of over 4,000 violinists playing together in harmony was like nothing I've ever experienced, and it was made all the more amazing to think that the last time anyone heard a sound like that was over 80 years ago, when the last record was set in at the Royal Albert Hall in London in 1925."
